Thursday, 18 December 2008
And the band plays on...
After the Silence - Harry
The following photographs are from a shoot I did today with Harry...
As one of the first former servicemen to take part in my 'After the Silence' project, Harry kindly agreed to meet up with me and let me take some pictures and share some stories about his time in India, a keen photographer, then and now, he still keeps many of his old negatives in his home and in the picture above he proudly showed me his favourite photograph from that time of an Indian beggar whose picture he took on a street in India.
Go the extra mile!
Sometimes though you have to go a little further, in this case over a mile and a half across the beach at Skinningrove on the East Cleveland coast. In this incident, some poor sod had gone over the edge of the cliff and fallen some 70 foot, breaking his leg in the process.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Keep your eyes open..
You never know, it might lead to another story, or something more interesting or simply allows you to 'keep your photographic eye in'.
In this case I was in Newcastle the other week doing a shift for a local newspaper. While out getting pictures for one of their regular pieces in the paper there were a couple of events taking place in the Grey's monument area of the town that I stopped and photographed..
I thought it a bit of a surreal mix - Fighting global capitalism on the one side and bouncing on a trampoline next to it.
Worth photographing though.
Keep your eyes open - there's always something to photograph.
Sunday, 30 November 2008
If you can't stand the heat...
Saturday, 29 November 2008
The Photographic Cycle
Having looked at the copy I received and also at the World Press Photo Competition ( book that I received for submitting photos to their competition, (and whilst I would love to say how I had won a category in this famous competition - But I didn't!) but there is a definite 'cycle' that as a photographer I find, having read these books, that I go through when looking at the high quality entries.
I find it is a four part cycle...
Part 1: AWE
The cycle starts with a feeling of amazement at the standard of the pictures that you see.
A wave of inspiration as you look at how you can begin new projects or look for new ideas.
Part 3: PANIC
Blind panic kicks in as you realise that if your honest with yourself your probably never going to be anywhere near as good as some of the photographers whose work you looking at!
Despite the reality you feel motivation to continue regardless, hoping to improve and learn as you go along.
And you know what, you will, faster than you realise, because there is no better way to develop your ideas than look at other pictures and build your ideas from there.
And as for the future competitions, well you never know, one day, maybe.
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Will We Remember Them All?
Whilst the Remembrance Day Services are still fresh in your mind I have posted four pictures below. Taken in a cemetery in Saltburn in Cleveland, England they belong to four servicemen. I have no idea who they are beyond the names on the stone or what they did or how they died or indeed anything else about them. There were no services at their grave, no parades in their memory, no poppy wreaths laid on the cold, wet ground, no religious words or prayers - if you believe in religious words and prayers. I don't. Nothing to tell of their history, their lives or their endeavours.
These white headstones standing anonymously amongst all the others in the graveyard, untended, unkempt, forgotten, with the dead Autumn leaves gathered at the base, fallen from the skeletons of trees surrounding them are the only visible reminder of them having lived and died at all.
So next time, as the parades take place around the country and our political leaders are seen in all the right places and the religious leaders say their piece and our royals do their thing spare a thought, brief or otherwise for these forgotten reminders, scattered around the country of what it's all really about, of what is really important.
2nd Lieutenant GA McNeal - Royal Signals - Died 26th June 1940
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Get busy living..
I won't go into it further in case you haven't seen it, but get yourself to Blockbuster and check it out, but there is a line in the film that I always find provides me with massive inspiration. It makes you want to just think about whatever it is you want to do in your life and doing it. Seizing the moment. Taking or making an opportunity and just jumping in and seeing where it takes you. It may work out, it may not, and the implications of it not working out can be pretty severe. Things like financial security (or rather financial piece of mind- I don't earn that much), stability, an element of certainty, fear of the unknown, family or other pressures, work pressures, paying the mortgage,the list goes on; all this adds to the decision to go for something different becoming very difficult to make.
I have three years to go before my time in the Army is complete - 22 years! A lifetime really, a period of time that I can now reflect on with various feelings. Extremes of emotions. From immense pride to complete disillusionment. Sometimes I think of the sacrifices I have had to make on a personal and professional level to keep on top of my game, to be good at what I did. I like to think I was good at what I used to do and also what I do now. But it comes at a price. You have to put some things to one side, in my opinion, to be good at this job: family, friends, relationships, career, other work opportunities. All take a back seat for the 'greater good'.
But there comes a time when you have to make a change, you have to concentrate on what is important to you and where you want your life to go. Three years is a short amount of time in the scheme of things, it does go past quickly, my last 19 years show me this, and at the end of it, when my time is up and I finish my 22 years - a pension awaits, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the carrot on the stick, the flame that attracts the moth, the temptation that keeps you ploughing on regardless for years and years. Truth is, it's not a massive amount really, handy to have but your not going to be retiring to somewhere warm and sunny and drinking cocktails for the rest of your life.
But that is by the by, the question is, can I wait for another three years? This is my dilemma. My quandary. If I am honest with myself I am ready now, to leave it all behind, I have been for a while now, a long while, my situation now is such that I would quite happily walk away with no regrets. To continue my photographic life as a civilian. To become a better photographer and do the things I want to do, to work on the projects I want to develop away from the military. To photograph issues that I am interested in.
The sooner the better, but the 'sensible' part of my brain constantly flags up warning messages about financial issues, security etc...the 'what ifs' that can keep you up nights.....
Time for a decision to be made, or rather, time for me to act on a decision already made.
By the way, the line in the film is......'Get busy living, or get busy dying'.
Time to do just that. And as Morgan Freeman says in response to this line, 'absolutely, goddamn right'!
The film ends as the camera pulls back to reveal our hero working on an old fishing boat resting on a long, sandy, deserted beach.
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Parade outside the Box
Thursday, 2 October 2008
The Allotments
Before you can own an allotment like the ones in Saltburn, like many others, there is a long waiting list before you get the go ahead from the council, typically the allotment you are allocated is overgrown or needs to be altered to meet your own requirements and the work begins in earnest as soon as you get the keys from the council.
Despite providing well for their chickens sometimes illness or infection takes its toll on them and the big worry is that whole stocks of birds can be wiped out, something that also carries a heavy financial burden.
Saturday, 20 September 2008
After they left the fix I dropped them in a bucket of cold water and when this was full of prints I would carry it to the bathroom and put them in the bath with the tap running to wash them before drying them off by hanging them from lines of string using clothes pegs - it was all very high tech! So I was looking forward to shooting cricket again last week, only this time armed with a couple of Nikon D2x, a selection of top-end lenses including a 500mm f4 which you can pick up for the price of a family car! I borrowed it.
The match was between Durham and Sussex at the Riverside Ground in Chester-le-Street in County Durham, England and was a 4 day affair as part of the LV County Championship.
The first thing I try and do when I turn up to cover something I am not familiar with, especially sport, is to have a look around the ground. Looking for places to go to give me the best view of the sport, looking for what can be one of the most important factors in shooting sports - a clean background.
I had a quick look at some cricket photos on the internet the night before to provide some inspiration and possible ideas and most of the ones I had a chance to look at were straight action shots - bowler's bowling and the batsman, well, batting. Don't take this to mean I viewed some of them with any less respect for this fact. Getting good action like some of the ones I saw still takes great skill needing perfect timing, a good position, patience (cricket is a long game!), good light etc etc. But I wanted to explore a little if I could and try and get something a little different as well.
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
The Ugly of War
One of his latest entries has a link to two multimedia pieces from John D McHugh, a photojournalist currently working for the Guardian newspaper who has recently spent time with the US troops in Afghanistan, in this piece, linked below, a medic from a US Medical Helicopter - a 'Dust Off' as they are called, tells of his experiences...
A very powerful piece of multimedia, probably one of the strongest I have seen for raw emotion and for trying to explain the difficulties faced by these medics and others working in this country. All of this is done without any of the imagery that you would normally expect to see on a piece covering this subject. The way the young medic explains what he has seen and what he has to do tells the viewer more about combat in the seven or so minutes it lasts for than anything I have seen for a long time.
Check it out. It's worth a look.
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
After the Rain
Suddenly the water began to rush through the surrounding streets, a fast flowing torrent engulfed everything in it's path - homes were swamped, with water rising to 3 or 4 foot in some, casting furniture and belongings aside with little effort, local pubs and businesses along the river found their cellars quickly filled with dirty, dark river water, ruining their stock and as cars were damaged and hit by floating debris elderley people were quickly evacuated to temporary shelters by members of the RNLI and Police and Fire services.
On Sunday morning myself and fellow photographer Matt Kirwan ( ) drove to Morpeth to document the aftermath of the floods and tried to record some of the devastation brought on this town and how it affected the residents in what turned out to be the worst floods experienced in some 40 years...