Thursday, 21 January 2010

Army Photographic Competition 2009

I've just got back from attending the Army Photographic Competition awards at the Imperial War Museum in London. (

This year I was fortunate to come away with the title of 'Professional Army photographer of the Year' for an eight picture portfolio that I submitted to the competition. The pictures came from a number of photographic jobs over the year ranging from Kenya, Normandy and the UK.


Richard Cave said...

well done, nice to see someone without a ego complex winning

Ian Forsyth said...

Thanks mate

Anonymous said...

Congratulations matey. You must be quite chuffed.
G & G

Ian Forsyth said...

Cheers G Man always good to get some recognition - and the 600 sniffs will be handy!!

Anonymous said...

Nice one Fozzy me old chum, saw the news on the intranet at work, Hesh

Anonymous said...

Nice one Fozzy me old chum, I saw the news on the intranet at work, Hesh