Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Into the Dark

The images taken below are from a patrol in the Nad' Ali region of Helmand Province as troops prepare to move back towards their Patrol Base after nightfall. Due to the darkness the camera settings were extreme to say the least with the ISO set to 25600! Camera settings were f2.8 at either 1/6 or 1/4. I was shooting with a 24mm prime lens on the D3 which I had resting on my ammunition pouches attached to the front of my body armour to try and keep it as steady as I could as I pressed the shutter.

There was so little light that it was pointless even looking through the viewfinder but knowing the field of view of the 24mm I could make a pretty good guess as to what I was going to get in the shot. Not an exact science I know but it doesn't matter. Sometimes it can produce interesting results. The small white 'squiggle' on the bottom shot is either a flare in the distance or the light from a star low on the horizon, but I fail to remember.

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