Friday 2 January 2009

Plain Crazy

Saltburn Animal Rescue Association looks after abandoned animals from the East Cleveland area with the hope of getting many of the animals, mainly dogs, together with new owners. As many charities find, funding is always an ongoing concern, the Association supports the traditional New Year's Day Dip at Saltburn beach as a way of raising some much needed funds...

At the stroke of 11am those individuals willing (crazy enough) to run into the freezing cold waters of the North Sea all line up and prepare for the rush to the waters edge...

The inevitable cold rush that follows their brief dash into the cold water begins as soon as they leave the water...

Despite the low temperatures and cold water most remain in good spirits...

Although sometimes, and even though it's all in aid of a good cause, it's just plain wrong!

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fozzy I hope the tripod legs did not get affected when you placed it in the salt water , nice pic of you running into the sea, good to finaly get a picture of you !!

happy new year
